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War Memorial Commission

Authorization for the War Memorial Commission was enacted in 1924. In 1970, the Commission became part of the Department of General Services. It was transferred to the Maryland Department of Veterans and Military Families in 1999.  In 1927, The War Memorial Building and the War Memorial Plaza were erected in Baltimore to honor Maryland residents who died in World War I. The War Memorial Building lies directly across from City Hall.  It now serves to honor all veterans in Maryland.

The Building is open and available for meetings of veterans’ groups and patriotic societies, and for civic gatherings. Maintenance costs are shared equally by the State and the City of Baltimore.

The Commission’s ten members serve five-year terms. Five are appointed by the DVMF Secretary with the Governor’s approval, and five by the Mayor of Baltimore.

Commission Members:

Edward A. Bauer, Chair (chosen by Commission in Sept. to 2-year term), 2023

Appointed by Secretary of DVMF with Governor’s approval to 5-year terms: Harold E. Webster, 2025; Vacant (3)

Appointed by Mayor of Baltimore to 5-year terms: Marian C. James; Norman E. Johnson, Jr.; Charles Culver; Terms expire 2023. Vacant (2)

Contact: (410) 396-8013

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