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Homefront Mortgage Program

Apply before Friday, May 30, 2014

The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development is proud to offer this special program in honor of our veterans.  The Veterans and Military Family Mortgage Program, ‘Maryland Homefront’, provides military veterans and active duty military with a special interest rate of 3.5% for a 30 year, fixed rate mortgage.  This initiative is in appreciation of the contributions made by members of the United States Armed Forces  and their families.  

The Homefront Program is only available for a short time.  To take advantage of this special rate, you need to apply before Friday, May 30, 2014.

In addition, disabled veterans that meet certain eligibility criteria may qualify for an even lower interest rate mortgage of 3%.

All qualified borrowers under this initiative are eligible to receive $5,000 for down payment and closing cost assistance through the Maryland Mortgage Program’s Down Payment Assistance (DPA) Program plus any applicable Partner Match funds.

For more information, visit Maryland Homefront on the Maryland Mortgage Program’s website.

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