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Housing and Homeless Services

US Department of Veterans Affairs National Homeless Veteran Call Center
877-4AID-VET (877-424-3838)

VA Homeless Services

VA Community Resource and Referral Centers provide services to homeless veterans and their family members.  Centers coordinates with local partners to provide services including assistance with housing, employment, health care, benefits, and more. Shower, laundry and meals are on site.  Locations serving Maryland Veterans:

1500 Franklin St., NE, Washington DC, 20018
Phone: 202-636-7660
Hours: 24/7

Baltimore VA Annex, 209 W. Fayette St., Baltimore, MD
Phone: 410-637-3246
Hours: 8:00-4:30, Monday-Friday

Transitional Housing

  1. Located at 301 N. High Street in Baltimore City, The Maryland Center for Veterans Education and Training is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) Corporation designed to provide homeless veterans and other veterans in need with comprehensive services enabling them to rejoin their communities.  Visit MCVET or call 410-576-9626 to learn more.
  2. Located at 140 W. West Street and 1611 Baker Street in Baltimore City, The Baltimore Station is an innovative therapeutic residential treatment program supporting veterans and others who are transitioning through the cycle of poverty, addiction, and homelessness to self-sufficiency.  Visit The Baltimore Station or call 410-752-4454 to learn more.

Eviction Prevention/Rapid Rehousing
VA Supportive Services for Veterans and their Families (SSVF) Program

Under the SSVF program, eligible veteran families receive case management and assistance in obtaining VA and other benefits, which may include health care benefits, daily living services, personal financial planning services, transportation, fiduciary and payee services, legal services, child care services, and housing counseling.

In addition, veteran families may also be assisted with time-limited payments to third parties (e.g., landlords, utility companies, moving companies, and licensed child care providers) if these payments help veteran families stay in or acquire permanent housing on a sustainable basis.

Listed below are the organizations, the counties they serve, and their contact information.

  • Sheppard Pratt Veteran Services (serving Allegany, Anne Arundle Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Caroline, Carroll, Cecil, Dorchester, Frederick, Garrett, Harford, Howard, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, Talbot, Washington, Wicomico, and Worcester) 410-938- HELP (4357)
  • Three Oaks Homeless Shelter (serving St. Marys, Charles, and Calvert) 301-863-9535
  • Project PLASE, Inc. (serving Baltimore City and Baltimore County) 410-837-1400, Ext. 148
  • New Vision House of Hope (serving Baltimore City) 410-466-8558
  • Diakonia (serving Somerset, Wicomico, and Worcester) 410-213-0923
  • St. James AME Church-Zion House (serving Caroline, Talbot, Queen Annes, Kent, Dorchester, Wicomico, Worchester, and Somerset) 410-742-4950
  • St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore
  • Housing Counseling Services (serving Montgomery, Prince George’s) 202-667-7366
  • Friendship Place (serving Montgomery, Prince George’s, Frederick) 202-658-9599

Foreclosure Prevention

Utility Bill Assistance

Visit the Department of Human Services website here.

Find Rental Housing

Search for rental properties by geographical area, cost of rent, number of bedrooms/baths, and whether the property accepts housing choice vouchers.  Visit for more information and to search for a property.




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