The following are added benefits for veterans based on US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) service connection. Some of these benefits are very complex and have eligibility requirements. Contact your local DVMF service program office for details.
0% Evaluation
- VA medical treatment for any service connected condition
- VA Fee Basis card for treatment of service connected conditions at non-VA facilities (must be applied to and approved by the nearest VA Medical facility)
- Service-Disabled Veterans VA Life Insurance (must have been released from active service on or after April 25, 1951 and apply within 2 years of the date VA grants new service connected condition)
- Federal Civil Service Preference and state and county veterans preference for veterans only, subject to government approval
- Annual clothing allowance (prosthetic/wheelchair/skin conditions)
- Temporary total disability (100%) evaluation for VA approved hospitalization in excess of 21 days for service connected condition and/or for medically documented periods of convalescence for service connected condition from 1 to 3 months.
- Special Monthly Compensation (SMC) for service connected loss of or loss of use of lower/upper extremities (foot or feet, leg or legs, hand or hands, arm or arms), creative organ, blindness, deafness, confinement to a wheelchair, housebound, need for aid and attendance, etc.
10% to 20% In Addition to the Above
- VA medical treatment for any condition (except dental) to include eye glasses and hearing aids based upon VA determined need (possible $8.00 co-pay for 30-day supply of medication for non-service connected conditions subject to means test)
- Veterans Readiness and Employment Program (must be 20% service connected or 10% service connected with a serious employment handicap and apply within 12 years of date VA first awarded at least 10% service connected disability)
- VA home loan funding fee exemption
- Combat Related Special Compensation for military retirees (CRSC)
- VA home improvement and structural alteration (HISA) grant (apply to VA physician)
- Automobile grant (one time) and adaptive equipment (multiple times), must qualify under certain SMC provisions
30% In Addition to the Above
- Dependent allowances for spouse, children and dependent parents
- Aid and Attendance allowance for disabled spouse
50% In Addition to the Above
- No VA medical co-payments
- Golden Access Pass for federal parks
- Concurrent retired disability pay for military retirees (CRDP)
- Complimentary initial vehicle plates
60% In Addition to the Above
- Increased compensation (total 100% evaluation) based upon unemployability due to one service connected disability rated at 60%
70% to 90% In Addition to the Above
- Increased compensation (total 100% evaluation) based upon unemployability with at least one service connected disability rated at 40%
100% Scheduler Rating or Total Disability Based Upon Unemployability In Addition to the Above
- VA dental care
- VA sponsored education for dependents, Chapter 35, (must be permanent and total rated or service connected death)
- VA life insurance waiver of premiums (must be unable to work due to any disability or disabilities for a minimum six months prior to age 65)
- Civilian Health and Medical Program (CHAMPVA) for dependents
- VA specially adapted housing and home adaptation grants (must qualify under strict SMC provisions)
- Maryland State Parks Universal Disability Pass (must be permanently and totally disabled)
- Complimentary lifetime fishing license (must be permanently and totally disabled)
- Complimentary lifetime hunting license, apply at a Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Service Center (must be permanently and totally disabled)
- Complimentary lifetime vehicle registration
- Military commissary privileges and ID cards
- Property tax exemption
- Eligibility to compete for admission to military academies (sons or daughters)